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111 Sparkleberry Crossing Road, Suite 3
Columbia, SC 29229
Phone: 803.542.7737
Thank you for voting us four years in a row as Best Yoga Studio! We are truly humbled by your support. At Palmetto Yoga & Wellness Oasis, we honor our commitment daily to helping our community feel its best. We strive to make yoga accessible to our aged 35+ men and women students by offering caring, individualized guidance, and slower-paced classes.
We prioritize offering appropriate options so each student feels relaxed, stronger, and motivated to build a steady yoga routine. Our superpower is our “Yoga for Beginner” series.
In addition, we create an environment that nurtures confidence in the student and deepens the knowledge of their bodies. Our motto is “Fit the pose to the body, not the body to the pose!” Off the mat, we offer a range of wellness services and treatments to empower people to heal, grow, and thrive — mind, body, and soul. We appreciate your support, and we love you so much. We are excited to meet you!