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As the chief operating officer of NP Strategy, Amanda Loveday is a vital force behind the growing success of the strategic communications firm, which recently celebrated its 10th anniversary. After a decade of working in broadcast journalism and politics, Amanda joined NP Strategy eight years ago as its first full-time employee. Since then, she’s helped grow the company’s 20-plus person team, establish an impressive roster of clients, and successfully navigate a pandemic.
With a natural knack for relationship building and sparking conversations with new people, Amanda has made her mark in both politics and communications in South Carolina and beyond. As a wife and mother of two boys, she doesn’t let the challenges of work-life balance slow her down. Instead, she leans into the pressure and carefully prioritizes her time. She says, “I’m extremely thankful for the village that is my team, my friends, and my family who help make the world go around every day.”