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1818 Blanding Street
Columbia, SC 29201
Phone: 803.733.5400
You help United Way create generational change by meeting immediate needs, breaking cycles of crisis, and empowering people to build their own paths to success. When you give to United Way, you’re helping more than just one cause. You’re a driving force in helping our community take a look at the whole picture, closing gaps and finding solutions together.
We may come from different backgrounds and different walks of life, but we are all working toward the same goals. We all want to live in a thriving community where people look out for each other, where we all feel safe, and where children can succeed in school and adults can find good jobs.
Join us in making a meaningful difference in our community, for our community. Let’s create change that will benefit us all — as well as the generations that come after us.
Will you join us? Donate or volunteer today at UWay.org.
Want to know more?
United Way of the Midlands has a 4-star rating on Charity Navigator, the highest rating on the nation’s largest and most-utilized evaluator of charities.
Our programs improved the lives of 46,000 people this past year.
The money we raise here, stays here.