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William Booth, founder of The Salvation Army, once said, “You cannot warm the hearts of people with God’s love if they have an empty stomach and cold feet.” The Salvation Army of the Midlands has continued this long legacy of serving in Richland, Lexington, Fairfield, Newberry, and Kershaw counties.
The Army reaches out to people in our community who live in poverty and/or have experienced crisis situations. It helps to replace despair with hope by serving hot meals to the homeless and hungry, assisting people with basic needs such as utility and rent assistance, clothing, furniture, and hygiene kits.
At the heart of The Army’s work is compassion and love. Family services endeavor to strengthen and unify the family unit by helping to secure permanent housing for families, improving reading skills of students who read below grade level, equipping children with backpacks to start the school year with confidence, sending children to camp who have never left their zip code, and providing Christmas toys and food to struggling families.
It is in this spirit that The Salvation Army rings the bells at the iconic red kettles each Christmas season. The red kettle is an integral part of the Christmas scene, with thousands of dollars donated each year to aid needy families, seniors, individuals, children, and the homeless.
“As a longstanding advisory board member and donor,” says JT Gandolfo, “I ask on behalf of The Salvation Army of the Midlands, please give at the red kettles this Christmas season. You, too, can join the good fight to help those in need in our community all year long.”