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In 1963, a raging alcoholic was arrested for driving under the influence. In his cell, Johnny Zenoni found freedom after an encounter with Jesus Christ. Zenoni submitted to Christ, beat booze, and started Providence Home.
For 60 years, Providence Home has provided transitional housing and permanent hope, promoting recovery from drugs, alcohol, and incarceration. Our great goal is to see men reunited with their families. While men of all faiths and backgrounds are welcome, our prayer is to see men accept the life-saving grace of Jesus Christ.
Mark is one of those men. He came to us last year homeless and addicted. He worked the program, trusted Jesus, and today is happily married and serving in ministry.
The holidays can be excruciating for those experiencing broken relation-ships. Your gifts support our men and are especially needed this time of year. Bless you for helping us bless them and restore families where you live.
If you know someone who needs help or you want to bless us, check us out at PHCola.org