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1711 Gervais Street
Columbia, SC 29201
Phone: (803) 799-8035
Each of these REALTORS® is committed to truly remarkable service.
Call us — we are MIDTOWN! 140+ agents led by Donna Royston, Broker-in-Charge
Front Row
Mack Ouzts 803.917.0373
Virginia Boland 803.351.0740
Taquoia Beals 803.727.6609
Second Row
Cece Zimmerman 803.960.1010
Kareen Forestal 803.467.5334
Jimmy Murray 803.260.1818
Caroline Glenn 803.603.8363
Carol Holt-Cooper 803.606.5317
Third Row
Jessy Jeffcoat 803.463.2933
Gope Jones 803.331.6214
Kelvin Perry 803.445.8646
Janice Foy Dinkel 803.261.8001
Susan Kaufman 803.530.2214
Selinda Dow 803.983.7625
Fourth Row
Buddy Wilson 803.917.8996
Zack Wheeler 803.360.0772
Tyler Rogers 803.603.0755
Donna Royston, Broker in Charge
Holly Swan 803.603.1671
Fifth Row
Lou Redbord, CB Regional VP
Rawlings LaMotte 803.600.4082
Diane Farr 803.261.9233
Janet Hobbs 803.920.9048
Sixth Row
Chavous Camp 803.518.2513
Tricia Morris 803.546.7655
Emily Hancock 803.331.6110
Lauren Halter 803.873.8008
Susan Zais 803.924.6320
Seventh Row
Frank Cain 803.561.6448
Randall Boland 803.707.4243
Meghan Hesley 803.665.8844
Bob Wilkins 803.463.1717
Eighth Row
Earl Pierce 803.331.4696
Craig Augenstein 803.309.3060
George Walker 803.261.1988
Front Row
George Jameson 803.920.4532
Susie Carlson 803.238.1719
Khali Gallman 803.922.5310
Second Row
Stuart James 803.521.6894
Kay Rushe 803.960.8062
Sandy Moseley 803.730.1123
Joseph Thomas 803.667.2399
Third Row
Willana Green 803.305.8110
Kathey Hennessy 803.920.0029
Dale Brogdon Lidikay 803.414.0062
LaVonya Mack 803.464.3865
Eric Malachi 843.337.7545
Fourth Row
Shirley Lowman 803.608.8757
Caroline DuBose 803.335.7368
Deborah Hollings 803.446.9245
Bill Graham 803.331.4586
Ene Swagart 803.730.6330
Paul Bryant 803.361.0585
Fifth Row
Katie Atkinson 803.261.1724
Janeth Butler 208.660.9430
Courtney Miller 843.845.1580
Reggie Hoyle 803.920.3779
Sixth Row
Jessica Milligan 843.298.1035
Lauren Gilstrap 803.409.9667
Elizabeth Wyman 803.463.4800
Elizabeth Padgett 843.933.0111
Jim Swan 803.201.6698
Seventh Row
Brenda Cole 803.603.9061
Bruce Siron 803.331.4663
Bobby Curtis 803.513.1095
Jack Stewart 803.727.7359
Eighth Row
Tommy Stallings 803.331.8062
Russell Jones 803.414.5811
Whit Moore 803.603.2002
Peggy Aun 803.920.9124
Debbie Blair 803.463.3331
Anna Paige DuRant 803.331.2000
Elaine Gillespie 803.446.3935
Patrick Hawkins 803.404.3805
Charles Manley 803.667.8626
Angela Nash 803.318.0577
Shayla Riley 803.260.7421