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As I reflect on 41 years of practicing dentistry in East Columbia, owning and operating a solo dental practice has been fulfilling and rewarding. It establishes a covenant relationship between the dentist and God. And God is in charge. He is to be exalted and glorified through his servant, the dentist.
God uses the dentist as a judge to make just and ethical decisions concerning his flock. Our patients are not ours but God’s people. Simply, we are shepherds and stewards reflecting God’s compassion.
In the Old Testament, the father-in-law of Moses, Jethro, urges Moses to choose judges who fear God and make decisions that benefit people and not themselves. In obedience to the character of God they are blessed with gifts of the Spirit. The Psalm of Moses even says, “Yes, establish the work of our hands.” God says he will put his Spirit on Bezalel and Ohaliab, and they will be blessed in all kinds of craftsmanship. Like Moses, and like Jesus, their work radiates God’s Glory, his character, and holiness.
Once on a clear, beautiful day in Bar Harbor, Maine, a dentist once asked me what drives me to get up every day. Easy, I said. Whatever I do and whatever I say, I do it in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.