Whoa, did you see that?
In an instant, a great blue heron landed in the water and, just as quickly, leapt back into the air with lots of splashing, and with a fish in its mouth. What a sight to see … this being just one example of some of the spectacular bird behavior and the beautiful birds themselves that we have seen in the Columbia metropolitan area and across South Carolina. South Carolina has an abundance of unique, beautiful, and interesting birds that we can observe and, in our case, photograph.
Permanent residents, like cardinals, can be seen year-round in our backyards, parks, wildlife refuges, and other sites. Others are classified as short-distance migrants; some like blue jays as medium distance migrants; and yet others as long-distance migrants. One of our favorite long-distance migrants is the beautifully yellow prothonotary warbler that migrates to South Carolina in the early spring, and then, after nesting and breeding, departs from Columbia months later to winter in areas like Colombia, South America. Birds generally migrate to get to adequate food and to secure appropriate nesting areas.